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Amanda Williams Galvin photo portrait by Holly Parker

Hello!  My name is Amanda.

I am an illustrator and designer, living & working in the Boston area.


I like design that is bright, bold, and colorful (both in pigment & character). 

I have a lifelong love of creative exploration and enjoy incorporating hand-made elements into each illustration, pattern, and design I make. 
In 2015, I launched Revel Revel, a growing collection of printed products, designed and made in New England.  Currently, Revel Revel greeting cards, art prints, and canvas bags featuring my original artwork can be found in 45+ stores in North America.

I have worked on design projects for a variety of clients, from international retailers to local businesses and non-profits.  My artwork and printed patterns can be found on children's apparel, hard & soft home products, boutique branding, event posters, stationery, gift wrap, construction scrims, wallpaper, wine labels and more. 

I love creative collaborations and am always up for a new challenge. Please contact me at with any creative inquiries.

Equality is in the air we breathe__#langstonhughes #letamericabeamericaagain
breakin the law breakin the law
beautiful day in the neighborhood
So glad to find this Cynthia Rowley tunic featuring my animal pattern at TJMaxx!  It was the last on
I ❤️ making letters_(At which I'm slowly getting better)

amanda williams galvin, pattern design, textile design, illustration, children's illustration, logo design, graphic design, branding, boston, boston designer, new england, artist, designer, tj maxx, wicked peacock, artifaktori, rockport, somerville, flip over records, kids apparel, home design, illustration, painting, handmade, hand drawn, hand lettering, dish towel, the fenway neighborhood, boston skyline, webike, lino cut, illustrator, scribbles and schemes, revelrevel, the ride and groom, animals, fashion, redbird vintage, beacon hill, davis square, maxxinista, freelance, floral, novelty, print design, printed textile

Revel Revel shop

all artwork by Amanda Williams Galvin

© Amanda Williams Galvin 2022

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